Register of the designations listed in Stahlschlüssel-Key to Steel

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For current and detailed data of the materials, please click on the respective designation.
You will get detailed material data (such as material number, symbol, standards, chemical composition, mechanical properties, physical properties , heat treatment, comparative materials in conversion table and additional information) in the form of a material data sheet.

Additional Designations

1.7039 40 Cr 10S 42 C 4 42 C 4 u 2245 BGH 7039 C4181 Cr3E OPEL QS5145 V500 ZF 64 1.1175 CRB970 L47410 1.5219 38MnV5 1.6563 40NiCrMo7 40 NiCrMo 7 KB NC 40 M NC40M NCM 4 R 1.5023 38 Si 38Si7 40Si7 40 Si 17A 1.6928 6928 Aeralloy 300M BGH 6928 DE 6928 1.7006 45Cr2 46Cr2 1.7035 40Ch 40 Cr 10 40H 41Cr4 41CrS4 530 M 40 BGH 7035 BÖHLER V500 C4131 Cr3 DE 7035 En 18 F-1202 VC 120 VC140 YD 1.7225 40HM 42CrMo4 42CrMo4RR 42 MoCr 11 327A 327B 708 M 40 709 M 40 7225 Avadur 552 Avadur 655 Avadur 758 Avadur 758 HardFIT Avadur 862 Avadur HardFIT BE7225 BGH 7225 BJB 442B BÖHLER V320 C4732 CMo4 CRM1 CrMo-225 DOCOL 42CrMo4 En 19 En 19 A ES9.7225 F-1252 M 4 S MB 7225 MOC 2 MOC2 PREMIUM 1.7225 (+QT) UM 8 V320 VarioPlan 1.7225 VCMo 140 VC MO 140 VCMO140 1.7227 42CrMoS4 42 MoCr 11S C4782 CMo4E CrMo-227 VF2CA 1.7045 4Cr9Si2 S48040 A30422 CFS 11 F.8232 ML40 UM8 38 CrMo 4 KB 41 CrMo 4 42 CD 4 42 CrMo 4 42 CrMo 4 KD 2244 BJB 442E CMo 4 Z UM 8 F UM 8 R 1.7233 A30427 A30425 1.7222 1.2331 41CrMoS4 42 CD 4 u 42 CDS 4 327M BGH 7227 BÖHLER V320 SD DE 7227 MoC 410 M VF 2 CA ZF 68 1.7741 BGH 7741 1.7561 1.5432 1.7116 HLB 42 1.5243 1.5223 42 Mn V7mod BGH 5223 VMV175 42MnV7 A10422 6266 AMS 6266 K21028 1.0149 S275J0H 1.3563 B43 1.0138 S275J2H 1.0490 43E AE 285 Grado KG Fe E 285 KG S275N 43D 1.0491 40EE AE 285 Grado KT Fe E 285 KT S275NL 1.0972 43F35 HR 43F35 HS DOMEX 315 MC E 315 D S315MC Tenform XF 300~ Tenform XK 300~ 43F35 CS 1.3561 A 182 (F 50) A 240 (S 31200) A 480 (S 31200) A 789 (S 31200) A 790 (S 31200) A 928 (S 31200) A 949 (S 31200) A 1049 (F50) S31200 1.2827 TV4 1.5233


Standardisation institutes


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