Register of the designations listed in Stahlschlüssel-Key to Steel

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Additional Designations

1.4823 AF 1101 DUX G 4823 ES4823 G 4823 Guronit 28 N 4 GX40CrNiSi27-4 Hacotherm HBG 823 Inox 1.4823 PK 4 Pyrotherm G28/5 ZGN 11 1.4464 AF 27 NMC DUX G 4464 ES4464 G 4464 G 4464.1 Guronit M 25/7 GX40CrNiMo27-5 1.4339 A309LMO A347M AF 28 NC DUX G 4339 G 4339 Guronit G 28/10 GX32CrNi28-10 1.6513 BGH 6513 1.6732 NC25M 1.6932 BGH 6932 1.2740 BGH 2740 BÖHLER W503 PLE S+B 2740 WPS 3 1.2737 CNO 3 S~ 1.2747 BÖHLER W508 NC 20 M S+B 2747 TMCN1 A 240 (S 44700) A 268 (29-4) A 276 (S 44700) A 479 (S 44700) A 480 (S 44700) A 484 (S 44700) A 493 (S 44700) A 511 (29-4) A 580 (S 44700) A 803 (29-4) S44700 A 240 (S 44800) A 268 (29-4-2) A 276 (S 44800) A 479 (S 44800) A 480 (S 44800) A 484 (S 44800) A 493 (S 44800) A 511 (29-4-2) A 580 (S 44800) A 803 (29-4-2) S44800 28-4C + Cb S44736 A 240 (S 44735) A 268 (S 44735) A 480 (S 44735) A 803 (29-4C) AL 29-4 C AL 29-4C Alloy S44735 5784E 5785 S64299 1.4337 29.9.R 690SF 45507 S 45507WS A312-1 A312-2 BGH 4337 E312 E312-17 FOX CN29/9(-A) OK 68.81 OK 68.82 OK Autrod 312 OK Tigrod 312 P7 Thermanit 30/10 Thermanit 30/10 W UGI A312-2 UTP 65 D UTP A 651 X10CrNi30-9 29.9 30 (1969) 7746 (1977) 10250-2 (10/1999) 1.2307 BÖHLER V350 V350 1.6585 U20302 29 (1976) 500/2-80 500-81 500-89 2592-71 4360 (1986) 6280-82 10025-2 (11/2004) 36080 (1990) 84020 (1988) A 35-501 C.B0.500 (1989) 3 (IS 1875) 3 (IS 2004) 3 (IS 3261) C30 LK5 F66J 1.7361 1.8515 30 CrMo 12 31CrMo12 32CrMo12 9160/C 87 9160C321 BGH 7361 BGH 8515 FE-PL 48~ GK 3 OV235 1.6580 30CrNiMo8 30 CrNiMo 8 30 MoCrNi 20 823 M 30 836 J 836J 6580 BGH 6580 BJB 634C BÖHLER V145 C5432 CNM 8 Coralloy 6580 DE 6580 ES9.6580 G30CrNiMo8 NCMo6 NiMo-580 V145 VarioRond 1.6580 VCNMO200 A20302 3Cr13 S42030 S42088 3Cr17Mo T45930 1.4028 3Ch13 3H13 420B 4028 IMCO420B INOX 1-30 KO 12 MA3 PK4 TP1 VAL2B X13 X30Cr13 Z 33 C 13 A34313 A34316 A24302 A24303 A45303 A45306 A26302 A30302 1.7216 BE7216 F 66 J


Standardisation institutes


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