Register of the designations listed in Stahlschlüssel-Key to Steel

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Additional Designations

1.7356 1.7384 CM 2-IG CM 2 Ti-FD CM 2-UP FOX CM2 Kb Union I CrMo 910 1.7278 Imaform 1.7378 BGH 7378 T20104 1.8201 85C6 60Cr4V2 51CrMoV 1.1123 1.1125 STZ 36 T23152 1.5519 7-Mo (Type 329) 329 A 240 (329) A 480 (329) A 789 (S 32900) A 790 (S 32900) (329) A 928 (S 32900) (329) A 949 (S 32900) AR 329 F 2215 (S 32900) S32900 SA 789 (329) 7 Mo A 182 (F 52) A 240 (S 32950) A 314 (S 32950) A 473 (S 32950) A 479 (S 32950) A 480 (S 32950) A 484 (S 32950) A 789 (S 32950) A 790 (S 32950) A 815 (CRS 32950) A 815 (WPS 32950) A 928 (S 32950) A 949 (S 32950) A 988 (S 32950) A 1049 (F52) S32950 1.4845 8RE10 12NiCr250 20 HH 310~ 310/1 310 S 24 310 S 31 2361 4845 ACX 350 ACX 402 AISI 310S AL 310 S Alloy 310 S APFIS AR310S AR 310S AR 310 S AUSTINOX 310 BGH 4845 Coracid 4845 Cronifer 2520 NV DMV 310 ERGSTE 1.4845 Eternos 1.4845 H 9 Immac 5 INOX 4845-310S PHY A 310 R25-20 R25.20 R 820 R 826 SIRIUS 310 S SIRIUS 310S T04 THENOX 4845 THERMAX 4845 UGI 310 UGI 310S UGI 4845 UGI F310S UGI F4845 UGI HQ310 UGI HQ4845 UGI R310S UGI R4845 URANUS65 URANUS 65 X8CrNi25-21 X12CrNi25-21 X 25 A X25A Z 8 CN 25-20 1.4841 1.4842 15SiNiCr250 15SNC250 20 H 25.20.B 25.20.C 25.20C 310 310Si 314 314L 4841 33300 45513 S 45513 WS 90011N A310 ACX 406 AISI 310 AL 310 Alloy 310 APFI/SI AUSTINOX 314 AUSTINOX TIG 310 BGH 4841 BGH 4842 BÖHLER H525 Coracid 4841 Corronon 24/19 CrNi 24/19 Cronifer 2520 DMV 4841 E310/2 E310-17 ERGSTE 1.4841 ERGSTE 1.4842 Eternos 1.4841 Eternos 1.4842 F.3310 FFB-IG FOX FFB (-A) FV 25/20 GX15CrNiSi25-20 H 10 H25N20S2 H525 Hacotherm HB 841 HBS 2 HCN Hi 22 Inox 1.4841 INOX 4841-314 Koro 4841 OK 67.13 OK 67.15 OK Autrod 310 OK Tigrod 310 PK19 R 823 S25V SIRIUS3 SIRIUS 3 SIRIUS 314 T12 TCN 12 Tepaz 2025 Thermanit C Thermanit CM Thermanit C Si Thermanit CW 310-16 THERMAX 4841 UGI 314 UGI 4841 UGI A310 UGI F314 UGI F4841 UGI HQ314 UGI HQ4841 UGI R314 UGI R4841 UTP 68 H UTP A 68 H WEt 4841 AHCRNi WRt 4841 AHCRNi X12CrNi25-20 X15CrNiSi25-20 X15CrNiSi25-20ESU X15CrNiSi25-21 X 25 X25 X 25 V 7 S.1 Group A S 1 Group A S.1 Group A 7 S 1 Group A 7 S 1 Group B S 1 Group B S.1 Group B 7 S.1 Group B 7 S.1 Group C S 1 Group C S.1 Group C 7 S 1 Group C 7 S80 MSRR 6573 S80 S.80 7 S.80 U20082 L T20300 85Cr17 S44080 80Cr20Si2Ni 83Cr20Si2Ni S48380 1.4016 430/1 AR 430 Ch17 D2 FI 17 H17 K30 KO 3 PK336 R 250 X6Cr17 X16M X17 Z 8 C 17 FE-WL1805 1.8599 1.6770 1.8524 Imacro Nit 1.4700 F.7502 1.4878 6R35 4878 A700 BGH 4878 BÖHLER A700 CLC 18-10 Ti Coracid 4878 CrNi 189 DMV 321 DMV 4878 ERGSTE 1.4878 Eternos 1.4878 Hi 20 Inox 1.4878 INOX 4878 Koro 4878 Sanmac 4541 T09 UGI 4541 UGI 4878 WEt 4878 A WRt 4878 A X8CrNiTi18-10 X12CrNiTi18-9 X 18 PA 98C6 52Cr4Mo2V F.7512 1.1117


Standardisation institutes


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