Register of the designations listed in Stahlschlüssel-Key to Steel

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Additional Designations

NiCr44Ti NiCr38AlNbTi IGS-Chronin 110 NA 34 NC 80/20 Filler Metal NiCr20 45612 45612 LA 45612W BGH 2.4806 FOX NIBAS 70/20 FOX NiCr 70Nb IGS-Chronin 82 INCONEL 82 INCONEL filler metal 82 NA 35 NIBAS 70/20-FD NIBAS 70/20-IG NIBAS 70/20-UP NiCr20Mn3Nb NiCr 70Nb-IG Nicrofer B 7020 - WS 82 Nicrofer S 7020 - FM 82 OK Autrod 19.85 OK Band NiCr3 OK Tigrod 19.85 P10 PHYWELD 82 Sanicro 71 Sanicro 72HP Thermanit Nicro 82 UTP 068 HH UTP A 068 HH UTP AF 068 HH UTP UP 068 HH Werkstoff 82 INCO-WELD 'B' INCO-WELD B NiCr15Fe8NbMo INCO-WELD 'B'~ INCO-WELD B~ NiCr14Fe4NbMo NiCr15Fe8NbMoW UTP 7017 Mo FOX NIBAS 617~ NiCr22Co12Mo Werkstoff 617~ INCO-WELD 'A' NiCr16Fe12NbMo NiCr30Fe9Nb UTP 6229 Mn NiCr28Co30Si3 NiCr16Fe6 2222 M FOX NIBAS 70/15 FOX NiCr 70/15 INCONEL 182 NiCr15Fe6Mn OK 92.26 PHYWELD 182 Thermanit Nicro 182 UTP 7015 UTP 7015 NK UTP AF 7015 Werkstoff 182 Hastelloy C-2000 NIBAS C24-IG(-UP) NiCr23Mo16Cu2 Nicrofer B 5923 - WS 59 Nicrofer S 5923 - FM 59 NiCr25Mo16 NiCr22W14Mo NiCr22W14Mo2 NiCr15Mo16Fe5W3 BGH 2.4887 FOX NIBAS C276 Hastelloy C-276 IGS-Chronin C-276 INCO-WELDfillermetalC-276 NA 48 NIBAS C 276-IG (-UP) NiCr15Mo15Fe6W4 NiCr15Mo16Fe6W4 NICRIMPHY 276 Thermanit Nimo C 276 UTP 776 Kb UTP A 776 NiCr25Fe16CoNbW BGH 2.4657 NiCr19Mo15 NiCr20Mo15 Thermanit Nimo C Hastelloy C-4 IGS-Chronin C-4 NA 45 NiCr16Mo15Ti NiCr16Mo16Ti Nicrofer B 6616 - WS C-4 Nicrofer S 6616 - FM C-4 UTP 704 Kb UTP A 704 ALLOY 601 GL5 HT601 IGS-Ferrochronin 601 INCONEL 601 INCONEL filler metal 601 NA 49 NiCr23Fe15Al NICRIMPHY 601 Sanicro 61 Werkstoff 601 FOX NIBAS 617 IGS-Chronin 617 INCONEL 617 INCONEL filler metal 617 NA 50 NIBAS 617-IG(-UP) NiCr22Co12Mo9 Nicrofer S 5520 - alloy 617 PHYWELD 617 Thermanit 617 UTP 6170 Co UTP A 6170 Co UTP UP 6170 Co Werkstoff 617 FOX NIBAS 60/15 NiCr14Mo7Fe OK 92.55 UTP 7013 Mo 6825 45654 45654W FOX NIBAS 625 FOX NiCr 625 GL3 IGS-Chronin 625 INCONEL 112 INCONEL Filler Metal 625 NA 43 NIBAS 625-IG NIBAS 625 PW-FD NIBAS 625-UP NiCr22Mo9Nb NiCr 625-IG Nicrofer B 6020 - WS 625 Nicrofer S 6020 - FM 625 OK 92.45 OK Autrod 19.82 OK Band NiCrMo3 OK Tigrod 19.82 P12 Phyweld 625 Sanicro 60 SUPERIMPHY 625 Thermanit 625 UTP 6222 Mo UTP A 6222 Mo UTP AF 6222 Mo UTP AF 6222 Mo PW UTP UP 6222 Mo Werkstoff 112 Werkstoff 625 NiCr21MoFeNb NiCr20Fe14Mo11WN Nicrofer S 5020 - FM 50 NiCr22Mo10W3 NiCr21Mo16W4 Thermanit 686 NiCr29Fe4Al3 CN35/45 Nb-IG ~ FOX CN35/45 Nb ~ NiCr36Fe7Nb NiCr28Fe6W NiCr25Fe10Al3YC UTP 6225 AL UTP A 6225 AL NiCr25Fe13Mo6 NiCr22Fe20Mo7Cu2 NiCr22Mo7Fe19 NiCr15Fe7Nb NA 36 NiCr20Co18Ti3 SUPERIMPHY 90 NA 39 NiCr15Ti3Mn NA 38 NiCr20Co20Mo6Ti2 AV718 INCONEL 718 INCONEL filler metal 718 NA 51 NiCr19Fe19Nb5Mo3 Nicrofer S 5219 - FM 718 PHYWELD 718 SUPERIMPHY 718 Werkstoff 718 NiCr21Mo8Nb3Ti ALTEMP 625 INCONEL 135 NiCr29Fe30Mo NiFe30Cr29Mo Thermanit 30/40 E Thermanit 30/40 EW Werkstoff 135 NA 41 NiFe30Cr21Mo3 HT845 NiFe26Cr25Mo UTP A 4225 NiCr25Fe30Mo UTP 4225 1.8550 34CrAlNi7 34CrAlNi7-10 ACM 2 BGH 8550 BÖHLER V820 CR AN7 N 35 Ni 50 PK 3 V820 VarioPlan 1.8550 VarioRond 1.8550 2.4806 FOX NiCr 70 Nb Ni 6082 SG-NiCr20Nb UP-NiCr20Nb 2.4377 BGH 2.4377 FOX NIBAS 400 IGS-Silverin 418 MONEL fm 60 Ni 4060 Nicorros B 6530 - WS 60 Nicorros S 6530 - FM 60 NiCu30Mn3Ti OK Autrod 19.93 OK Tigrod 19.93 PHYWELD 418 SG-NiCu30MnTi UP-NiCu30MnTi UTP A 80 M Werkstoff 60 2.4627 IGS Chronin 617 NIBAS 617-UP SG-NiCr22Co12Mo Ni 6617 NIBAS 617-IG 2.4831 BGH 2.4831 IGS Chronin 625 Ni 6625 PHYWELD 625 SG-NiCr21Mo9Nb Superimphy 625 SY 625 UP-NiCr21Mo9Nb Ni 6059 Ni 6200 NiCr23Mo16 OK Autrod 19.81 OK Band NiCrMo13 OK Tigrod 19.81 P16 Thermanit Nimo C 24 UTP A 759 2.4607 FOX NIBAS C 24 SG-NiCr23Mo16 2.4886 FOX NIBAS C 276 IGS-Chronin C276 NIBAS C 276-UP Nistelle alloy C 276~ SG-NiMo16Cr16W Superimphy 276 SY 276 Ni 6012 NiCr22Mo9 Nicrofer B 5716 - WS C-276 Nicrofer S 5716 - FM C-276 PHYWELD 276 Ni 6276 NIBAS C 276-IG S32200 N08042 N06952 2.4671 Alloy 713 G-NiCr12Al6MoNb 2.4674 Alloy 100 G-NiCo15Cr10AlTiMo 2.4672 G-NiCr20Co20MoTi BRIGHTRAY alloy B C2.25 (W-NiCrFe-3) N06004 80-20 Alloy 5676F 5677 5682E B 344 (N 06003) BRIGHTRAY alloy C BRIGHTRAY alloy S MIL-E-6844 (7) MIL-R-5031 (Class 7) N06003 RESISTOHM alloy 80 1.3930 Dilaton 14 7 GD 223~ Pernifer 1407 X60NiMn14-7 2.4066 AL 200 AL 201 Alloy 200 BGH 2.4066 Coralloy 4066 DMV 200 Inox 2.4066 Ni 99,2 Ni 200 NICKEL 200 Nickel K 9902 PHYWELD 200 R-Ni99,2 R-Nickel99,2 S-Ni 99,2 Werkstoff 200 2.4060 Alloy 205 BGH 2.4060 BR-Nickel99,6 BR-Nickel 99,6 Coralloy 4060 Ni 99,6 Werkstoff 205 Ni 2061 NiTi3 OK 92.05 UTP 80 Ni Werkstoff 141 AL 200 Alloy B 160 (N 02200) B 161 (N 02200) B 162 (N 02200) B 163 (N 02200) B 366 (N 02200) B 564 (N 02200) B 725 (N 02200) B 924 (N 02200) C2.25 (W-Ni-2) N02200 NA 11 Ni-02 Nickel 99.2 - alloy 200 Nickel 99.6 - alloy 205 Nickel alloy 200 SB 160 (N 02200) SB 161 (N 02200) SB 162 (N 02200) SB 163 (N 02200) 2.4061 2.4068 5553F AL 201 Alloy Alloy 201 B 160 (N 02201) B 161 (N 02201) B 162 (N 02201) B 163 (N 02201) B 366 (N 02201) B 725 (N 02201) B 924 (N 02201) BGH 2.4068 Coralloy 4068 DMV 201 ERGILOY 2.4068 Inox 2.4068 LC-Ni 99 LC-Ni 99,6 LC-Ni 99,8 LC-Nickel 99.2 - alloy 201 LC-Nickel 99.6 - (alloy 205) N02201 NA 12 Ni99.6 Ni 201 NR-Nickel99 NR-Nickel 99 NR-Nickel99,6 NR-Nickel 99,6 Werkstoff 201 5555D F 1 (N 02205) F 3 (N 02205) F 4 (N 02205) N02205 Nickel alloy 205 Nickel alloy 206 F 290 (N 02211) N02211 Nickel alloy 211


Standardisation institutes


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