Key to Steel - Stahlschlüssel :: Search Results

Your search for » Steel « returned 50 result(s)
{ SearchIndexType: content, LuceneQuery: }

Search designation

Designations 21-2N Valve Steel, 21-4N Valve Steel, 21-12 Valve Steel, 23-8N Valve Steel, AK Steel, AK Steel 18CrCb, AK Steel 18 SR, AK Steel 409 UF, AK Steel 409 UF 10, AK Steel 439, AK Steel 439 UF, AK Steel 439 UF 10, B13S Boron steel, B24 Boron steel, B27 Boron steel, BritSteel 55, C-XB Valve Steel, High y...

Download Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel Patch 2.01

Problem: Composition-Search If in the default regional settings the decimal-point is defined as decimal-separation (e. g. U.S.A, U.K., Switzerland etc.), a composition-search will not be possible. Problem: Print and Page view Details to suppliers are printed twice. Shape of product is also...

Search :: Designation

The ONLINE :: Stahlschlüssel - Key to Steel has an easy-to-use, powerful and intuitive designation search feature (material number, symbol, trade name) Time-saving search The designation search is quick and easy to use. Wildcards can be used to find materials when only parts of ...


For which Key to Steel - Stahlschlüssel CD-ROM version do you need support?  


Standard Number Arrangement in numerical order Who Supplies Which Steel Table of Suppliers Table of Shape and Condition of Products Index of Brand Names in alphabetical order Categories contained Structural and constructional steels General structural steel, case hardening steel, nitri...


The ONLINE :: Key to Steel - Stahlschlüssel offers you complete new possibilities Register - Login - ONLINE accessNo installation necessary! Access to the latest data published!(Updates we make are automatically part of the current online version.) Decode / decipher steel designations and fi...


The electronic Key to Steel - Stahlschlüssel on CD-ROM offers you complete new possibilities Decode / decipher steel designations and find equivalent materials worldwide Direct access to standard numbers, symbols and designations (also with jokers) Search of materials by chemical composition...


Key to Steel - Stahlschlüssel The worldwide competent cross reference guide is available as: Book DIN A4 format, 896 pages, Price Euro 290.00 (German / English / French) Now available Fax order form 2025 Windows application Database on CD-ROM, Price starting at Eur...

You do not have the possibility to leave the CD-ROM in the drive constantly

You do not have the possibility to leave the CD-ROM in the drive constantly and want to use the software without CD-ROM. Solution: Start the program Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel 2013, and then press simultaneously the keys Shift + Ctrl + K. The dialog "Disable CD-ROM check" will open. Please n...

You do not have the possibility to leave the CD-ROM in the drive constantly

You do not have the possibility to leave the CD-ROM in the drive constantly and want to use the software without CD-ROM. Solution: Start the program Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel 2010, and then press simultaneously the keys Shift + Ctrl + K. The dialog "Disable CD-ROM check" will open. Please n...

You do not have the possibility to leave the CD-ROM in the drive constantly

You do not have the possibility to leave the CD-ROM in the drive constantly and want to use the software without CD-ROM. Solution: Start the program Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel 2007, and then press simultaneously the keys Shift + Ctrl + K. The dialog "Disable CD-ROM check" will open. Please n...

You do not have the possibility to leave the CD-ROM in the drive constantly

You do not have the possibility to leave the CD-ROM in the drive constantly and want to use the software without CD-ROM. Solution: Start the program Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel 2016, and then press simultaneously the keys Shift + Ctrl + K. The dialog "Disable CD-ROM check" will open. Please n...

You do not have the possibility to leave the CD-ROM in the drive constantly

You do not have the possibility to leave the CD-ROM in the drive constantly and want to use the software without CD-ROM. Solution: Start the program Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel 2019, and then press simultaneously the keys Shift + Ctrl + K. The dialog "Disable CD-ROM check" will open. Please n...

You do not have the possibility to leave the CD-ROM in the drive constantly

You do not have the possibility to leave the CD-ROM in the drive constantly and want to use the software without CD-ROM. Solution: Start the program Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel 2004, and then press simultaneously the keys Shift + Ctrl + K. You receive the dialog "Disable CD-ROM check". Please...

You do not have the possibility to leave the CD-ROM in the drive constantly

You do not have the possibility to leave the CD-ROM in the drive constantly and want to use the software without CD-ROM. Solution: Start the program Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel 2001, and then press simultaneously the keys Shift + Ctrl + K. You receive the dialog "Disable CD-ROM check". Please...

Search :: Properties

The ONLINE :: Stahlschlüssel - Key to Steel has the most comprehenisve properties database. Find materials fast, comfortably and unerringly. Time saving search The property search is fast and easy to use. For each found material a comparison between the search and property data ...

New Edition

The more than 70 years globally established steel manual will soon be published in an updated version. All information has been updated and expanded in many areas with the assistance of the steel producers and the standardization institutions. Where it was possible, we retained former or obso...

Search :: Search Composition

The ONLINE :: Stahlschlüssel - Key to Steel offers a smart composition search that helps you find a suitable material by chemical composition Time saving search The composition search is quick and easy to use. For each found material a comparison between the search and compositi...


Registration is free of charge and without obligation. In order to create a personal user account your contact data, a defined username, your e-mail address and a password are required. (User accounts also remain valid after expiration of a demo or full version and continue to be used for the fol...

Version 2.0

Version 3.0

Version 4.0

Version 5.0

Version 6.0

Version 7.0

Version 8.0

Version 9.0

View :: Material data sheet

The ONLINE :: Stahlschlüssel - Key to Steel provides its comprehensive material data clearly arranged as a material data sheet for viewing / printing General Shows you the steel groups, standards, range of application and other information of a material. Composition Clear ...

System requirements

System Requirements Recommended system requirements 3 GHz Pentium 4-compatible microprocessor or higher 1 GB RAM VGA-graphics card with 32-bit colours, 1024 x 768 resolution CD-ROM/DVD-drive Supported operating systems Win 2000 SP6 WinXP SP3 Windows Vista Windows 7 Wind...


Prices Standalone version (local) standalone with access authorisation for a single named user Full versionupdate *) 1 User € 630,00 € 505,00 Network licenses Multi-user (floating license) versions, for one geographical company site1) Floating license (multi u...

System requirements

System requirements Recommended minimal screen resolution 1024 x 768 pixels. Supported browsers Firefox (3.6.8 or higher) Internet Explorer (7 or higher) Chrome (11 or higher) Safari (5 or higher) Opera (11.10 or higher) Browser settings Allow Cookies Activate JavaScript...

There are no more free licences available

After the start of Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel you get the error: "There are no more free licenses available". Solution: Please download the tool: ClearLiz Version 1.0 and start it on any workstation where the Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel software is installed. This tool resets your licenc...

Service Pack 1 (Problems with CD drive detection and current user query)

While you start the Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel 2001 you get the message: "The drive is either not ready or is not a CD-ROM drive!" even though it is a CD-ROM-drive, or you can not find out who is using the Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel 2001. Solution: Please download our Service Pack 1.

"Runtime error" starting the program

Starting the program Key to Steel - Stahlschlüssel 2004 causes a "runtime error..." Solution: It is necessary that you have all administrative privileges and that all applications are closed. Important: Start the program directly after installation as Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel user with al...

"Runtime error" starting the program

Starting the program Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel 2007 causes a "runtime error..." Solution: It is necessary that you have all administrative privileges and that all applications are closed. Important: Start the program directly after installation as Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel user with a...

Which user rights are needed

During the start of the program you get a message that either files can not be accessed or can not be locked. Solution: Please double check that the Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel 2007 user has the permission to read, write, create, change and delete in the Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel path if...

Which user rights are needed

During the start of the program you get a message that either files can not be accessed or can not be locked. Solution: Please verify that the Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel 2013 user has the permission to read, write, create, change and delete in the Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel path located ...

Which user rights are needed

During the start of the program you get a message that either files can not be accessed or can not be locked. Solution: Please verify that the Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel 2010 user has the permission to read, write, create, change and delete in the Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel path located ...

Which user rights are needed

During the start of the program you get a message that either files can not be accessed or can not be locked. Solution: Please verify that the Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel 2016 user has the permission to read, write, create, change and delete in the Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel path located ...

Which user rights are needed

During the start of the program you get a message that either files can not be accessed or can not be locked. Solution: Please verify that the Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel 2019 user has the permission to read, write, create, change and delete in the Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel path located ...

Error: "Fehler bei der Initialisierung ..."

After the start of Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel your get the error: "Fehler bei der Initialisierung..." Solution: Please delete the three files Stahl98.ini, Stahl98.liz und Stahl98.ldb located in the Windows-directory (Windows, WinNT) and reinstall the application.

Message: "The drive is either not ready or is not a CD-ROM drive!"

Problems during start-up of the Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel with CD drive detection. Error: "The drive is either not ready or is not a CD-ROM drive!" even though it is a CD-ROM drive. Solution: Please download our current Service Pack and install it on all Clients after the client installatio...

Service Pack 3 (After installation of version 4.0 the version 3.0 does not work any more)

After the new Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel of 2004 (version 4.0) was installed on your system the version 3.0 can not be operated correctly any more. Important: Before you install the new Service Pack 3, Service Pack 2 must have been installed on your system. Via Menu Help => Info you can f...

You are asked to type in the license-number at every program-start (local installation)

Solution: Make sure, that you distinguish between zero or the letter O. Make sure, that you only insert capital letters and the hyphens (for both, the server and the local installation) If after a local installation of Key to Steel - Stahlschluessel_2001 under Windows NT resp. 2000 you are a...

Service Pack 2 (Problems with database access)

You have got problems with the database access due to a mixture of database access components. This problem especially occurs with WIN 2000 combined with WIN service pack 2. The Error: "Modul SteelFunc Number 3114, ..." turns up if you try to activate a material (double-click in the designation l...

"Components transfer error..." during installation

During installation using Windows NT resp. 2000 you receive a file error: "Components transfer error ...". Solution: It is necessary that you have all administrative privileges and that all applications are closed. Important: For installation give all administrative privileges to the Key to Ste...

"Components transfer error..." during installation

During installation using Windows NT resp. 2000 you receive a file error: "Components transfer error ...". Solution: It is necessary that you have all administrative privileges and that all applications are closed. Important: For installation give all administrative privileges to the Key to Ste...

"Components transfer error..." during installation

During installation using Windows NT, 2000 or XP you receive a file error: "Components transfer error ...". Solution: It is necessary that you have all administrative privileges and that all applications are closed. Important: For installation give all administrative privileges to the Key to St...

Installation guide

Start MS Windows and insert the Stahlschluessel - Key to Steel CD in the CD-ROM drive. Start File Explorer and select your CD-ROM drive. Attention should be paid to the user permissions needed for operating the software. Stand-alone: Local Setup (Setup.exe from CD-ROM) You can now install th...

Installation guide

Start MS Windows and insert the Stahlschluessel - Key to Steel CD in the CD-ROM drive. Start File Explorer and select your CD-ROM drive. Attention should be paid to the user permissions needed for operating the software. Stand-alone: Local Setup (Setup.exe from CD-ROM) You can now install th...